Luke Honey | Decorative Antiques, Chess, Backgammon & Games

Kate Plays Chess

May 01, 2013

Here's Juergen Teller's recent photograph of Ms Moss about to make a winning move. I couldn't resist it. 


Hello Michael

Good to hear from you- thanks very much for your kind comment. Delighted that you like the site. Please spread the word!

Best wishes


Posted by Luke Honey on May 15, 2013

Dear Luke ,congratulations with your new nice website . I wish you good luck and succes! Michael

Posted by Michael Melching on May 15, 2013

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The Garden of David Hicks

April 25, 2013

I've always been a huge fan of David Hicks- even in those dark dark days when he was no longer flavour of the month. In the '80's, as a rather precocious schooboy at boarding school, I ordered a copy of Living With Design repeatedly from the local library; even then, with the revival of Colefax and the birth of The World of Interiors, the urbane Hicks look was falling rapidly out of favour. At a lecture and slide show he gave at the V & A, I recall the slight tut-tut of disapproval from the massed ladies-who-lunch who had in the last year or so, suddenly re-discovered the delights of faded chintz, loose covers and Beidermeier furniture.


We've all had a few seminal moments in our lives, and I can say without doubt, that a privileged visit to David Hicks' garden at The Grove, near Brightwell Baldwin in Oxfordshire, one fresh and rainy English summer's afternoon in June, was one of those moments. My parents happened to live nearby; I had seen a sign up on a fence advertising the gardens to be open for a day "to parishioners and their friends". This was an opportunity not to be missed. Brightwell is hardly ever open to the public. And, of course, I was the proud owner of a now dog-eared copy of David Hicks Garden Design; bought for a song from a remainder pile in a grotty late-night bookshop in Charing Cross Road. Within, there were amusing photographs of Mr Hicks (black cigarette holder, breeches, riding boots and bookmaker check tweeds) ordering around a group of exhausted looking workman, JCB diggers and the like as they constructed a grande allée in the seventeenth century manner. Every photograph in the book was in black and white (this was a book about design wasn't it? ) and there was a list of plants that Mr Hicks considered "beyond the pale': Lupins, Delphiniums, Dahlias and Hybrid Tea Roses were all on the index.

The first impression of The Grove was of order, a sense of control over chaos. Immaculate clipped lawns, topiary, pleached lime allées, freshly raked gravel, verdant green, technicolor plants noticeable by their absence. Interesting gooseberry standards growing in painted wooden tubs of a very dark green. A small swimming pool had been painted black (that nasty turquoise blue banished), to look like an ornamental pond, surrounded by pleached limes in the Hidcote manner. Not much William Robinson or Gertrude Jekyll going on here, although towering spectacular and toxic Giant Cow Parlsey, Heracleum mantegazzianum, surrounded a weathered and romantic statue in a wild area off the drive. I can't remember if there was an armillery sphere, but there could have been- this was Draughtsman's Contract territory, it wouldn't have been suprising, frankly, if Tilda Swinton had suddenly popped up- in full Orlando rig- around the corner of a clipped yew hedge.

And it was here that first awakened me to the delights of the Old Rose. The Hicks garden featured a rectangular border consisting of nothing else; in particular the heady, intoxicating scent and velvety subtle textures of Madame Isaac Periere (first introduced in France in 1881) which I am now trying to grow in our tiny, shady backyard garden in Central London. What a contrast to the spikey crimsons, yellows and lipstick pinks of the ubiquitous Hybrid Teas and Floribundas thriving in gardens up and down the land!  Having said that, I'm almost of the opinion that the time is right for a Hybrid Tea revival. English garden snobbery makes me laugh. I don't think I can bring myself to grow Angela Rippon- yet- but could the time could be right for Blue Moon, Sexy Rexy or the two-tone Cadillac fins of the American rose, Double Delight?


Thanks, Peak of Chic

“Garden Design” is one of those books I turn back to over and over again. In a way it’s a book for non-gardeners, in that there’s not much about growing plants, and masses of black and white photographs of garden architecture, black-painted swimming pools in the South of France and the like. I would recommend it for your library.

The Hicks garden was immaculate. Everything had been designed down to the last blade of grass. I liked your post on the Jardin de Brecy. The Hicks garden was on a smaller scale, though- about four acres or so, not counting the surrounding estate.

Posted by Luke Honey on May 10, 2013

A seminal moment indeed! Just last week, I researched Jardin de Brecy, which is owned by the Wirths. Robin Lane Fox wrote about the garden in his book, and mentioned that Barbara Wirth had been influenced by her former boss, David Hicks, and that specifically, Hicks’s choice of clipped hedging for his garden had inspired similar hedging at Brecy.

I need to buy a copy of the Hicks Garden Book. His book on flower arranging, by the way, isn’t bad.

Posted by The Peak of Chic on May 10, 2013

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The Story of Nashdom Abbey

April 23, 2013


I've had a thing about Nashdom Abbey for as long as I can remember. One my earliest memories- I must have been about five years old- is being taken there by my father to have tea with the monks (it was an Anglo-Catholic Benedictine monastary until 1987) and pulling up in the family Renault outside the rather grand (but austere) porticoed entrance which framed, in turn, a Tuscan style loggia.


Nashdom Abbey, Buckinghamshire


Nashdom House lies just outside Burnham Beeches, Buckinghamshire; about twenty five miles to the West of London. It was built by Sir Edwin Lutyens in 1905-9 for the Russian aristocrat, HH Prince Alexis Dolgorouki and his wife, Francis Fleetwood Wilson, an English heiress from Northamptonshire. They married at the tender age of 50; touchingly it seems to have been a genuine love match. "Nashdom" means "Our Home" in Russian. Like its better known neighbour, Cliveden, Nashdom was really more of a glorified villa- created for fashionable house parties and languid river excursions up The Thames: a retreat from the smoke and chaos of London, rather than as a genuine country house and estate in the old tradition. 


H. H. Prince Alexis Dolgorouki


Despite its size, it was supposed to have been relatively economical to run. I assume the house would have been crammed with all the latest Edwardian gadgets. And what a splendid house it is!  If anyone is looking for a house that illustrates Edwardian confidence and bravado, this, surely is going to be it. It's got more than a whiff of The Great Gatsby about it, hasn't it?


Nashdom Abbey, Buckinghamshire

After Alexis's death in 1915, Francis decamped to her Mediterranean villa, where she continued her career as a generous and gregarious hostess. After the First World War, the monks moved in to Nashdom. From 1986, the house was left empty- the interior derelict; a place no doubt haunted by the memory of those Edwardian house parties past. In 1997, the house, inevitably, became luxury flats and apartments for the BMW set.



A big thank you to all those readers who have bothered to leave comments and send me more information about Nashdom and its fascinating past. I have been amazed by the response. And in the early summer of 2018, I received the following email from a reader, Lawrence, which, I am sure, will be of interest to anybody intrigued  by the history of Nashdom Abbey. In his own words:


"Here are a few snippets  of some very secret history on Nashdom, not revealed until now as only I knew…until now.

Nashdom’s Rev. Dom Robert Petit Pierre became my unlikely friend and travelling companion from the hot summer of 1976. He’d walk to Taplow station many weekday mornings, catch a train to Slough then wait for the fast one to London’s West End.

I’d be on Platform 5 too, just in from Windsor. Me 26, undergraduate on way to Uni doing a BA, he (in 60’s maybe) as Britain’s Master Exorcist, on way to Robert Hale publishers in West End, for editorial sessions  on his forthcoming book ‘Exorcising Devils’.

 We were an unlikely pair, he in long black cloak and cassock, barefoot, battered brown sandals and brief case to match, no hair, pebble glasses and bit of stoop; me hippyish looking, long hair with cut down Levi’s and flip flops.

The first time we spoke, he got on the train behind me and said ‘Are you OK now?’ I guess he sensed that I was troubled. I was, having just been parted from a girl who was caught up in all sort of rubbish to do with Tarot Cards. Anyway, we struck up the first of many conversation that always took place from Slough’s Platform 5, through to Oxford Circus.

One morning, standing together, on the same platform at Oxford Circus but waiting for separate trains, I noticed ‘The Exorcist’ film poster had been put on the wall behind us. I asked Dom Robert what he thought and he scoffed that such movies served the purpose of stimulating sexual instincts and won’t forget his main words; ‘The real thing is more frightening’ .

Funnily enough though (and he did have great sense of humour) he added that whenever he was called to do an exorcism, he usually deduced the problem  was more one of mental illness, mostly psychosis, but ‘I perform an exorcism anyway because it won’t do them any harm and usually helps’.

I’ve never by the way bothered to see the film. Ho hum. Dom Robert  also used the term ‘little devils’. I wasn’t sure what he meant, but don’t think it was to describe troublesome spiritual entities, but more as a neat term to describe so called poltergeists, especially when objects moved around without explanation through psycho kinesis.

He said the Astors called him up to Cliveden frequently via a shady walk along Parliament Lane. Apparently, they reckoned Cliveden was troubled by poltergeists. (probably when  Nancy Astor had put plenty gin down her neck).

We lost contact but not before he’d agreed to write an article entitled ‘Do ghosts really exist’, for a youth community magazine I was editing at the time. I still have the letter from Dom Robert to this day, committing to do the article.

Years passed, the monks left, Nashdom became derelict and as I was living nearby, found out. The place had been ravaged by local oiks of its many fixtures  and even a witches' coven were meeting in the 17 acres of ground and disturbed Dom Roberts grave. I told the remaining monks who by then had moved to Speen and I think they tidied things up.

Later, in the middle of the property crash aftermath and contrary to any other speculation, Nashdom was sold for a mere £450,000 in an auction. We all know that since then it has become  a valuable financial investment.

BUT, before all that, with a blessing from the senior monk at Speen, I went into Nashdom and recovered some valuable items from the very deep basement, plus hidden parts of the grounds. One such item I acquired was a wood carving of a figure that I placed in the garden of a local Taplow pub, the Oak and Saw. I agreed with the pub that I’ll retain ownership , even though the figure is with them. There is small plaque I put on the front entitled ‘Mystery Monk’, but in truth, it was early stage carving of a new Christ figure to go in the graveyard at Nashdom. I haven’t been to the pub for a while, but guess they still have the item in the garden. I also recovered and safely stored a large plaster moulding of the so called Dolgorouki coat of arms that is at the centre of the top of the building.

Another curious piece I retained from the dusty basement is a beautifully handwritten wine stock list, entitled BINO (Russian for wine). Probably written by Alex. Anyway, this is just the thin end of the wedge when it comes to Nashdom’s secret history.

The one thing I haven’t revealed here is that when Fairbriar homes who bought, renovated and sold off all the Nashdom apartments, I called in just out of curiosity to see what they had done in all their stud walled apartments and was astounded to hear that one of the sales agents  had just been spooked when going into one of the show apartments to discover that all the furnishings had been trashed, despite there supposedly being nobody who could have got in there.

I nearly passed comment that maybe it was the drunken dissatisfied ghost of Nancy Astor, but thought no, don’t bother, they’d never believe it even if it was true.”

Lawrence ⓒ 2018

Nashdom Abbey, Buckinghamshire



I used to go to Nashdom with my mother when I was about 6 years plus.
I remember hearing the mass sung in latin and also having lunch with
the monks. I was adopted and my middle name was altered to Gregory after Dom Gregory Dix and I also remember Brother Anselm. I
understand that Dom Gregory is buried in the cemetery and would like
to visit his grave and wonder if anyone can give me directions.

Posted by Peter Lipman on December 22, 2023

My uncle John Gibbs was a former monk at the abbey.
He was orphaned at 13 nowhere to go and somehow ended up at the abbey.
His two sisters were alive but unable to put a roof over his head. Their parents had previously owned The Barley Mow Hotel in Duke Street.

Uncle John became a fighter pilot in the Second World War, was David Nivens film extra , married a Czech nurse and went to work in first Canada and then California. He remained religious and became a minister.

Posted by Susan Preece on June 22, 2022

I worked nights at this place for years as weekend security from 15 to 19 absolutely loved being there, it was empty for years with a grave yard in the garden amazing building..the parties werent too bad either

Posted by lee hawkes on April 26, 2022

From the report of pastor Hensch († 09/2018), Kassel, Germany, concerning a visit with his youth group of N.A. 01/08/1973 (in German):

Ein Nachmittag bei der einzigen anglikanischen Benediktinerabtei in Taplow (gegründet zu Beginn des Jahrhunderts). Hier lebt man in Residenz und Park, für einen russischen Fürsten einst eingerichtet (nash dom) streng nach den Regeln Benedikts. Nur Notwendiges wird gesprochen. Gespräche gibt es nur 1 Stunde am Abend und an Sonntagen. Nachdenken und Gebet (“Seeking God”) ist das Ziel des gemeinsamen Lebens. Arbeit zum Lebensunterhalt (Z.B. Ikonenherstellung) die Voraussetzung Gehorsam gegen den Abt, Besitzlosigkeit, lebenslanges Bleiben bei einer Gemeinschaft wird eingehalten, wie auch in der katholischen Kirche; Zeitungen und Radio, ebenso wie ein 14 tägiger Urlaub im Jahr sollen dagegen die Verbindung zur Außenwelt nicht völlig abreißen lassen. Essenausteilung an Durchreisende und ein unentgeltlich überlassenes Gästezimmer für Suchende entsprechen der Forderung der Gastfreundschaft. Die Mönche sind überzeugt, dass Orte der Stille und des Gebetes auch dann für die Menschen eine Bedeutung haben, wenn die wenigsten noch überhaupt von der Existenz solcher Gemeinschaften etwas wissen.

Posted by Siegfried Lion on September 17, 2021

From the report of pastor Hensch († 09/2018), Kassel, Germany, concerning a visit with his youth group of N.A. 01/08/1973 (in German):

Ein Nachmittag bei der einzigen anglikanischen Benediktinerabtei in Taplow (gegründet zu Beginn des Jahrhunderts). Hier lebt man in Residenz und Park, für einen russischen Fürsten einst eingerichtet (nash dom) streng nach den Regeln Benedikts. Nur Notwendiges wird gesprochen. Gespräche gibt es nur 1 Stunde am Abend und an Sonntagen. Nachdenken und Gebet (“Seeking God”) ist das Ziel des gemeinsamen Lebens. Arbeit zum Lebensunterhalt (Z.B. Ikonenherstellung) die Voraussetzung Gehorsam gegen den Abt, Besitzlosigkeit, lebenslanges Bleiben bei einer Gemeinschaft wird eingehalten, wie auch in der katholischen Kirche; Zeitungen und Radio, ebenso wie ein 14 tägiger Urlaub im Jahr sollen dagegen die Verbindung zur Außenwelt nicht völlig abreißen lassen. Essenausteilung an Durchreisende und ein unentgeltlich überlassenes Gästezimmer für Suchende entsprechen der Forderung der Gastfreundschaft. Die Mönche sind überzeugt, dass Orte der Stille und des Gebetes auch dann für die Menschen eine Bedeutung haben, wenn die wenigsten noch überhaupt von der Existenz solcher Gemeinschaften etwas wissen.

Posted by Siegfried Lion on August 26, 2021

I stayed at Nashdom Abbey 11th.>14th.June 1954.I just loved the Latin liturgy with its Gregorian chant in the Mass and the Office.

Posted by Michael J.H.Mortimer. on August 05, 2021

I stayed at Nashdom Abbey from 11th. to14th. June 1954.I just loved the Latin liturgy with its Gregorian Chant in both the Mass and the Office.

Posted by Michael J.H.Mortimer. on August 05, 2021

“one of the sales agents had just been spooked when going into one of the show apartments to discover that all the furnishings had been trashed, despite there supposedly being nobody who could have got in there.”

This scares me and I wonder which one it is.

Having lived here for 7 plus years I’d say I can not find a better place that better suits my needs. No Place like Nashdom is a book on my list, with thousands of photos I have taken, and probably thousands of stories and moments recorded in my mind.

Posted by Jun H on March 15, 2021

I visited Nashdom when I was an undergraduate at Cambridge and then became an Oblate when I was ordained an Anglican priest (now a RC layman). Dom Godfrey was the Oblate Master, Brother Cuthbert was Guestmaster, Abbot Augustine was Abbot. Dom Anselm celebrated the Traditional Latin Mass every day in the Lady Chapel. I was always delighted to see Dom Patrick, who was responsible for their foundation in the United States. Vatican II took a toll on the community. Dom Wilfrid became Abbot. He visited me when I lived in Belgium. We went to Mont Caesar, Bec, and Chevetogne. I treasure memories of the Abbots and Monks of Nashdom. I lost touch when they went to Speen but later visited the community in Salisbury (there were four monks then) on the close of the Cathedral. They have a goodly heritage!

Posted by Robert Brown on September 28, 2020

I remember going to Nashdom Abbey as a child ,our vicar was Gerard Irvine who was priest at Holy Angels Cranford near Heathrow airport, this would have been in the late 50’s, we went two years in a row by coach with members of our congregation, we were given afternoon tea! our vicar must have had connections with the Abbey, maybe knowing someone prominent there,he seemed to know a lot of quite famous people.

Posted by Marion Hall on August 19, 2020

I used to serve at the altar at nearby St Nicholas, Hedsor. When clergy had to be away, monks from Nashdom were quite often asked to celebrate the eucharist at Hedsor, so I often used to serve for them, usually either Dom Robert Petitpierre or Dom Patrick Dalton. The latter encouraged my Mum as parish Christian Aid organizer when The Daily Mail ran its usual sort of scurrilous article claiming it was funding terrorists. Another monk famous in his field (of music history) had been Dom Anselm Hughes. As librarian, Dom Aidan Harker gave me access to Dom Anselm’s former study when I was writing an undergraduate dissertation on Gregorian Chant. It still contained his books, the sort of books to which I would otherwise have had access only with considerable difficulty. Later, Aidan Harker arranged for the books to be taken to Royal Holloway, University of London, where they still form The Dom Anselm Hughes Memorial Library.

Posted by Peter Wilton on April 28, 2020

The redevelopment was actually a joint venture between two developers, FairBriar plc and MacLeod Developments. I worked for the PR company that assisted with the marketing and we threw a Russian themed garden party for the journalists. I remember getting told off by my MD as my first site visit lasted too long because I wanted to see every corner of the property during its restoration. It started my deep love of grand old mansions and I still stop outside Nashdom whenever I go to Cliveden. It’s still looking good so I’m glad you’re all looking after it 😉 I’ve been lucky enough since to work for other restoration developers and there are so many beautiful houses you would never know about. I don’t know if Nashdom ever hosts an open house event but I would love to come back and see the rear elevation again.

Posted by Christopher Knight on August 19, 2019

As a young organ building apprentice I used to hold keys for the organ tuner when we visited the organ at Nashdom Abbey in 1959/60.probably twice a year I often wonder what happened to the organ the firm who maintained the organ was J.W.Walkers of Ruislip Middx.
There are no details of the organ on the National Pipe Organ register

Posted by Keith S..Bance on July 15, 2019

I was a choir boy at Hitcham Church from 1951 and almost continually until I went to college in 1962. The Rector was the Reverand James who I got to know over the years and enjoyed many visits to the Rectory. In his absence from church, we had services conducted by the Prior at Nashdom.

Through this connection, as choir boys, we were invited on several occasions to Nasdom and were not only shown around the building in detail but also invited to partake in tea with the monks. I recall one incident where we were shown a thrible and how it was used to spread the incense during service. One of the older and more enthusiastic choir boys made a huge swing that impacted the floor on the descent and left the thrible mightily dented. Never sure it ever stood upright after that.

The grounds were immaculate and each year we would press for an invitation in the autumn to go and collect the chestnuts that were prolific. I see from Google Maps that the grove still remains and I hope the crop of chestnuts is still as prolific. Does anybody know?

Posted by Deryk C Ford on May 10, 2019

My father use to live here look after and maintain the whole place long before it was made in to luxury flats.We use to have some really awesome days and nights there even the odd rave or barbi that even made the local papers.God we had such good times there so many stories.

Posted by James Hawkes on February 23, 2018

I have been the Estate Manager here at Nashdom for very nearly fifteen years. It’s lovely to read the stories of visitors and friends alike.
Many vistors over the years have either studied here or been members of the Benedictine community.they often want to see the graveyard.

If anyone would like more information, or would like to send copies of any pictures, or details of Nashdom’s wonderful past, I’d be very happy to help or receive.

Posted by Lawrence May on September 20, 2017

I remember back in the 1970’s visiting Nashdom Abbey with Holy Trinity church vicar Rev John Maxwell Kerr from Windsor and a couple of friends. I remember Dom Cuthbert and Don Dunston. John Hatton, I have a copy of your news report from 3 July 1987, I moved away and one of my friends sent a photocopy of your article and still have it in the Nashdom Booklet with great photos about the Abbey and life of the monks. Your last paragraph reads as follows: “Forty Years after St Benedict died the monastery he founded was destroyed it was this misfortune that forced his followers to move to Rome, and become the influential force that they were over the next 1300 years. Who knows but what the move of the monks of Nashdom may not result in the same? “ I read that the Monks have sold Elmore Abbey where they move to 1987 in 2010, I think they were down to four monks and some of them were over eighty years of age.

Posted by Keith Garner on September 13, 2017

Many thanks Alan Robinson. I did find it!
You have aroused my interest in this famous anglo-catholic priest.
Do you have any idea of the titles of his books and where was his parish?

Posted by Dudley Rickard on July 04, 2017

After meeting Dom Wilfred (who later became Abbot, I believe) in Brighton, I was invited, along with a friend Terry, to spend some time at the Abbey in 1967. We were part of the hippy culture of the time and were allowed to take a supply of (legal) THC, liquid cannabis, with us. We stayed in a guest house but ate with the monks, in silence, as one brother read aloud.
We spent many happy days talking with Dom Wilfred about the many differences and similarities in our lives, and also meditating in the woods while very stoned.

Posted by Nick Williams on June 19, 2017

Dudley Rickard: maybe you will find this ! G.A.C.Whatton was famous anglo-catholic priest, who was never a member of the Nashdom community but was an Oblate (associate) and was probably staying there. He might have been a novice at one time but I don’t think ever a monk. He was a parish priest and wrote sevreral books. He was still alive in the late 1970s.

Posted by Alan Robinson on May 07, 2017

We remember Nashdom so well- I was only allowed to use the restroom behind the Altar and look through the windows being a woman! Remember fondly the Monk who took me on the walk around the Monks cemetery. Our friend was Dom David he used to come to stay with us on furlough.Sadly we lost touch with him does anyone know what happened to him?

Posted by Sue Austen on January 05, 2017

I remember Nashdom very well.

I was born in Cliveden Red Cross hospital, and lived in Burnham. During my younger years, we would get into the garden to get their apples. The monks would often chase us, but their clothing gave us an advantage, and we escaped each time. :-)

In later years, I was a Burnham Retained Fireman, and attended a fire at the abbey. But, regret I do not recall what was involved.

Posted by Patrick Carty on November 08, 2016

I visited the Abbey in 1965 as part of my Confirmation classes. I was aged 12. I seem to recall that they made Communion wine which was used in our Church St Paul’s Egham Hythe.

Posted by Crispin Lancaster on July 15, 2016

I visited the Abbey in 1965 as part of my Confirmation classes. I was aged 12. I seem to recall that they made Communion wine which was used in our Church St Paul’s Egham Hythe.

Posted by Crispin Lancaster on July 15, 2016

My connection is through my great aunt Miriam’s son, Lionel Marshall Walker, who entered the abbey after her death in 1965, and was known as Brother Leo. He remained there for several years, leaving just before he was due take his final vows, whereupon he resumed his previous post with Boots Pharmaceuticals in Nottingham, remarried in 1972, retired early, went on a world cruise aboard the S.S. Canberra, and wrote a book about monastic life, Brothers of Habit, which was published in 1981.
I have yet to read the book. However, I knew the man, himself, and his rather autocratic role, in our family very well….. and, like my grandma, his aunt, found this chapter of his life odd indeed. Grandma, as his next of kin, had to give her ‘permission’ for him to enter Nashdom Abbey, but she recounted to me that, although she did give her approval, she made her real feelings, to the abbot of the time, very clear.
One day I will read the book….. and add it to my family’s history.

Posted by Hilary Drysdale on May 29, 2016

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