Luke Honey | Decorative Antiques, Chess, Backgammon & Games


July 04, 2016

This rare set was featured in Michael Mark’s catalogue for Asprey’s chess exhibiton in May, 1986 (exhibit 49) and Raymond Keene’s “Chess an Illustrated History”. The white king depicts the Duke of Wellington in military uniform, with sash, while the white queen is represented as the Duchess of Wellington (Kitty Pakenham) wearing a tiarara and strings of pearls:

“Much rarer than the head sets, but from the same source, are the bust sets such as exhibit 49. This set is unusual in that the white king is the Duke of Wellington, while the knights on both sides are soliders with tiny horse’s heads on their helmets” (Michael Mark, Chessmen Practical and Ornamental”, a catalogue of the Chess Sets exhibited by Asprey and Chess Collectors International, May 12 - 24, 1986).